What to Expect AT WOODSIDE

When do the services begin?

Sunday school begins at 10:00. Come early to grab some coffee and snacks. The worship service begins at 11:00.

How long do the services last?

Sunday school lasts for 45 minutes. The worship service lasts about 90 minutes.

What is a service like?

The whole service is about worship. We worship God through singing, praying, giving, Scripture reading, and the preaching from the Bible.

What is the style of music?

We are less concerned with style and more concerned with content. We sing a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary songs that are biblical and gospel-centered. We strive for musical excellence but our focus is on the congregational singing as we together proclaim the greatness of our God through song.

What is the typical sermon like?

The sermons are about 50 to 60 minutes as we preach expositionally through books of the Bible. We believe that the Bible is the very Word of God so we are committed to preaching verse by verse through his Word. The Bible is explained and then applied and what is hopefully a true, engaging, and helpful way.

What should I wear?

Come however you feel comfortable. We are a diverse church in about every way, including dress. Some will be wearing suits and some will be wearing jeans and a t-shirt. You’ll fit in wherever you land on that spectrum.

What about my children?

We provide childcare by qualified and caring adults. There is a nursery available for 0-3 years for the whole service as well as Children’s Church for those 3-7. Kids will be dismissed for Children’s Church before the sermon. As you enter the foyer you can sign your kids in at the table to your left.